Your registration is now complete and we can confirm that you have a place reserved as requested. We are delighted that you are able to join us for JOKER v HARLEY at AWOL Studios on Friday 23rd July 2021. To confirm your place, please follow the payment instructions below.
The session costs £69 per photographer. You are now requested to pay a deposit of £35 with the balance of £34 due on or before 23rd June 2021 or alternatively to pay the full balance of £69 now if you so wish.
Your options how to make a payment are as follows :-
Bank Transfer : Account Name : Graham Currey, Account Number : 72834324, Sort Code : 09-01-28, Reference {Your Surname-JvH} Paypal : (Please make payment as friends and family so that charges are not incurred) Cheque : Make payable to Graham Currey and send to 13 Broomfield Road, Heaton Moor, Stockport, SK4 4NB
We will confirm receipt of your payment once it is made and confirm that your place is secured. In the run up to the event you will receive further email communications from us which will include details concerning how the event will be run and the timings and how to find the venue.
Thank you for joining us. We look forward to meeting you.

We want to keep you up to date with what we are planning and also to get your feedback and comments. Take a look at our blog posts.
Women in Photography
Since it is International Women’s Day on 8th March, we wanted to celebrate the Female Photographer.
Interview with Sue Hartley
We caught up with Sue Hartley recently who travels up regularly from Nottinghamshire to attend Session Days Events
The Importance of the Model Release
The model release is an important part of our process in securing the services of any model or performer on a Session Days Event.
The PAGB and Session Days
Find out about how the PAGB got involved with Session Days at Leigh Spinners
Interview with John King BPE2
Read all about John King, BPE2, in an interview we conducted with him recently
What a Wigan Weekender That Was
Our Wigan Weekender was held at Leigh Spinners on 19th/20th October. We hosted 84 Photographers and 8 Models over the course of 4 sessions. We couldn’t be prouder of everyone involved. Read all about it here.

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Your privacy is important to you and also to us. We do not share your email address with any third parties and we will only broadcast to opt-in subscribers. We do not store or retain any information about any of our customers.