It is clear that the rules relating to lockdown easing preclude an in studio event from taking place prior to 17th May and so we are therefore having to cancel our Colour Creative Class due to be held on Sat 8th May 2021.

We do realise how frustrating this is and we thank you most sincerely for your patience and loyalty but we would also like you to note that we are intending to run all classes as scheduled from 22nd May onwards.

We have now re-scheduled this Colour Creative Class to take place on Sat 26th June 2021 and we are inviting you to consider moving your allocated place accordingly.

Colour Creative Class

What are your options?

There are a number of options available for you to choose from including simply moving the day and time slot from your existing May 8th booking to the equivalent AM/PM slot time on Saturday 26th June 2021. You can switch your booking to this new date or take one of the remaining places that are available on Saturday 20th November 2021. You can also request a refund of monies paid to date. Please note that the sooner you complete the form the better for registering your preference.

Please consider the choices below and let us know as soon as possible how you would like us to administer your booking. Once you have made a selection and we have been notified, we will confirm action by email.

Manage my Colour Creative Class Booking

Select an Option Below

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