Wild West at Whiteoak Springs


Following on from the success of last year’s event, Session Days returns to Whiteoak Springs Western Town for another Wild West Session Day on Saturday 10th June 2023.

We have six featured character models who will be playing out their roles amongst the townsfolk and buildings that make this frontier town so special. There will also be ample opportunity to take images of the townsfolk reenactors who have constructed and live in the town.

Wild West Session Day



This event is being held on Saturday 10th June 2023. Morning slots start at 9:15 AM and finish at 12:35 PM and afternoon slots start at 14:00 PM and finish at 17:20 PM .


Whiteoak Springs Western Town is in Derby and is a purpose built frontier town which features all of the usual buildings and dwellings associated with mid 19th century America including : Bank, Saloon, Mercantile Store, Gunsmith, Jail House, Court House, Brothel, Gunsmith, Apothacary.


The town is outdoors and is on uneven ground covered with chippings. It is not ideal ground for wheelchair access.


The event features six models who will all be in period costumes. There are twenty-one places for photographers in the morning and another twenty-one places for photographers in the afternoon. The townsfolk residents will also be in attendance on the day, dressed in period costume and going about their everyday business. They are also available to photograph.


The price to attend this event per photographer is :



We believe firmly that group events should allow everyone attending to get an equal opportunity to shoot with each of the models. We arrange attendees into groups of three and then rotate each group around the sets in turn approximately every 25 minutes. Our events are run with precise timings so that it works for everyone involved with a short break between each set. On this event each attendee will get to work with each of the seven models in turn.

The local townsfolk will be present throughout the day in varying numbers and in period costume and available to be photographed.


Most of the sets and photographic possibilities are outdoors, in and around the town. Lighting equipment will be provided on each set indoors where necessary for your use. The use of lighting equipment is included within your admission price. Lights will either be continuous lights or studio/strobe lighting with triggers and modifiers for your use. If you require assistance using the lights provided then we will be on hand to provide expertise.

You are also welcome to bring along your own lighting rigs if you are more comfortable using them but you must keep them with you at all times and observe COVID compliant usage restrictions.


We are a COVID-19 responsible organisation and will be taking and making all necessary arrangements to observe guidelines and to ensure safety wherever possible. Attendees may wear their own masks if they prefer.

Hand sanitisers will be available for use for your usage and anti-bacterial wipes will be on hand when handing over triggers for lights. You will be required to observe the prevailing social distancing guidelines.

Tea/coffee will be provided on this event.

Register for a Place on Wild West Session Day

Morning or Afternoon Place

15 + 1 =


Wild West Session Day - Pip

Pip the Gentleman

Pip is a natural to play the part of a Wild West character. His distinctive beard and ability to portray depth of character with facial expressions make him well suited for this event.

He will be wearing clothes to match the sort of grubby, grimy reality of life back in the Wild West towns of the 19th century.

Wild West Session Day - Victoria

Victoria Lucie

A reenactor, actor and model, Victoria has appeared for us before on Creative Fine Art and Noir events in studio.

She is expressive and brings her acting experience to her pose flow technique.

Image by David J Severn

Wild West Session Day - Grum

Grum Foss

Grum is no stranger to Session Days having appeared for us in a number of guises. This time he will be wearing a custom-made suit (pictured) and by changing his hat, coat and props can be a Cattle Baron, Pinkerton Detective or News Reporter. With the myriad of building facades in the town, this gives lots of scope for story telling in your portraiture.

Wild West Session Day - Natalie

Natalie Ciufo Green

Natalie has appeared for us previously in studio and is making her debut appearance on a location based Session Days event.

Natalie will be appearing as our saloon girl.

Wild West Session Day - Ralph

Ralph Oakley

In a Wild West town, we need a notorious outlaw and gunslinger to add that air of danger and uncertainty. Ralph will be playing the part of Billy the Kid, with a costume that he has put together himself as part of his everyday role as a Living Historian.

Ralph’s attention to detail is exemplary and this characterisation will give the photographer plenty of scope for portraiture with a story attached by using the ambience of the town and his interaction with ordinary townsfolk.

Wild West Session Day - Isla


Isla is our female outlaw for the day. Equally as unpredictable as Billy the Kid and sporting just as much menace, she will be interacting with townsfolk to create portraiture opportunities with a back story.

Isla is making her debut appearance for Session Days and this will create some unique opportunities for photographers.


Whiteoak Springs is a private Western town located in Derby. It was built by re-enactment enthusiasts wanting to recreate the look and feel of the wild west. It contains all of the classic buildings/business frontages of typical town of that era including saloon, mercantile store, bank, jail house, court house, gunsmith, and many more.

The townsfolk comprise wild west enthusiasts who buy into the concept and adapt their own pitches to suit what the town needs to grow. Our event has been declared a ’round–up’ event with a general call to the townsfolk to be in attendance on the day. They will be in period costume and available to photograph.

There is ample parking on site.

Whiteoak Springs Western Town

Take a look at our promotional teaser that introduces the phenomenum that is Whiteoak Springs Western Town in Derby.

Take a look at what happened on our last Wild West Session Day on Saturday 10th September 2022.

Do you want to see what it is like to attend a Session Days event on location. Watch how it all went on the second Wild West Day last year on Sunday 11th September 2022.


We want to keep you up to date with what we are planning and also to get your feedback and comments. Take a look at our blog posts.

What a Wigan Weekender That Was

What a Wigan Weekender That Was

Our Wigan Weekender was held at Leigh Spinners on 19th/20th October. We hosted 84 Photographers and 8 Models over the course of 4 sessions. We couldn’t be prouder of everyone involved. Read all about it here.

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